Thursday, December 8, 2016
Wrapping up the semester
To start off professor Harwood class we had to create a Pinterest was a very cool source to use because it gave you all the updates on fashion, sports, and etc. Then we had to create a LinkedIn helped a lot with finding good jobs, and connecting you with plenty of people. We did an assignment on talking about the amount of characters we have to use in a text box. was a great experience for me, and their presentation was great. I did a interview with my fellow classmate Christian Manning, and from my blog we learned a lot of him. I did the green screen project, and for that project I had to pick a background of my choice which was the Eiffel Tower in Paris, take a photo of myself in front of a green screen, and put it into the background as if I'm actually there. Prezi was a fun assignment to do. For this assignment I had to create a slide show of my top ten movies of all time. Lastly Kizoa tops them all. Professor Harwood challenged the class to go on a bulldog hunt by taking pictures, and creating a slide show on how many you found. I can truly say I learned a lot while in this class, but I also had fun.
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
bulldog challenge mj - Kizoa Movie - Video - Slideshow Maker
Ending the semester Mr. Harwood challenged me to go on a bulldog hunt, and take as many pictures of bulldogs I can find around the campus of South Carolina State University. Check out what I got!!!!!!